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Manage your ONUnet credentials without having to contact the IT Help Desk.
Manage your ONUnet credentials without having to contact the IT Help Desk.
Web-based course-management complimenting face-to-face teaching.
Wireless Internet provides flexibility to work when and where you want on campus.
Web-based e-mail for ONU students, faculty and staff.
A single doorway to login to multiple systems and manage day-to-day campus life.
Leads technology programs in support of the mission of the University, with focus on academic, administrative and infrastructure technologies. Provides overall direction, coordination, and evaluation of the Information Technology department and carries out supervisory responsibilities in accordance with the university's policies. Responsible for budget, interviewing, hiring and training employees, as well as assigning and directing work, appraising performance, and addressing/resolving complaints and problems.
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The university, as well as the IT Department, will be closed Friday, December 20th through Wednesday, January 1st.... Read more.
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As of 12/04, we have checked in with some users which they reported was functioning again.... Read more.